Old Time Religion

Religion is not a bad word. It is an important word. It is a character defining word. Noah Webster, in […]
Bible Studies in the New Testament Church by Elder Marty Smith [This article by Elder Smith, that first appeared in primitivebaptistsermons.org, […]
Jesse Mercer, for whom what is now Mercer University was named, often challenged those who created divisions among the Baptists […]
WORTHY IS THE LAMB Sermon preached at Ebenezer Chapel, Clapham, by Mr. J. Delves Text: “Saying with a loud voice, […]
Dr. Eck ⋅ Blog, Christ Atonement, Jesus Christ, Passover, the Lamb of God ⋅
Welcome home to the online home of Primitive Baptist churches throughout the world. Here, you will find information about people […]